This Is How Trading Octafx Beginners Who Are Worth A Try – Ok once you understand some of the articles that already admin made earlier about what a broker, introducer broker, how to create a demo account, how to create an account, how to verify, how to enter the capital to the real account and withdraw forex trading capital, to a bank account, then this tutorial continues to material How to play forex for beginners (forex trading online for beginners, so how to unlock and buy, sell, close, etc.).

How To Open Account Forex Online Trading

Note the picture above Are in Love 1-5 number, this statement :

1: a place to trade with money EURUS (Euro vs US dollar)
2 : a place for the forex trading with currency GBPUSD (Sterling Uk vs US dollar)
3 : a place for the forex trading with currency USDCHF(US Dollar vs Swish France)
4: a place for trade with the money USDJPY (US Dollar vs Japanes)
5: the balance of the trading account (as an example is the account balance demo) an equity of 10,000 USD 10,000 free Margin10.000.000.

Next to begin the trading select one of farthing is that the EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURUS and USDJPY. In this case the admin choose money EURUS (Euro Vs US Dollar), and then klimkkk maximize that into one big diagram(let me not confuse Clay lots of charts), see example below.
Open the Metatrader 4 (MT4) until the screen appears below.

after click maximize to be like this

next note the arrow in the above there is the inscription M1 M5 M15 M30 H1 D1W1 MN, which means :
M1 : 1 minute (one minute)
M5: 5 Minutes
M15: 15 Minutes
M30: 30 Minutes
H1: 1 Hour
D1: 1 Day
W1: 1 Week

Mean M1 s/d MN is the appearance of the charts EURUS during (most small) 1 min and (at the most) a month. To determine the direction of the trade, You ideally short (short trading a matter of minutes) or long term (day trading the long term, Week, or monthly).

You know… why is there a trade short and long term, what does it mean?

In a nutshell means that You transact with anailisa short-term and long-term. Short word as admin hop, admin open currency like the picture above, that EURUS EURUS, the admin decided to trade Short (short termmin) and then steps the admin is to choose the look of Nam from M1 to M5 or M30, let me not choose M30, confusing to 15 minutes (chart shipping to the chart below, look in under 15 minutes, see under the image below.

note the images above and compare with the last image (the Image is in an H1 time) the chart is different isn’t it????, so also M1 s/d MN, if You open one then the graph will change.

This shows that forex transactions every 1 minute, 5 minutes up to a month (MN) shows a different chart.

Note the arrow next. Sign up arrows pointing to a row (charts) long, and the arrows in the bottom of the point to the line (in the chart) are short. This means the displacement length of the line (in the chart) to the line (graph) short occurs every 15 minutes, because the admin to choose appearance of the M15.

if admin choose M1 then the result like the example below

Different not with M15 ago, the chart so that it looks bigger, See longer if admin choose M30 as below.

Well…. understanding does not mean the picture above, yes…. it’s true… the appearance of the charts will be different along with the choice, will choose the M1, M5, M15 or other, and the displacement of the chart or commonly called “candles” occurs according to the choice of M1, M15, M15 and other.

ok. while this first, because grandma extension article bosen read, do not understand, malah mumet, even confused, not stress. First understand the articles on this page if You already know more click the article below.

How to play forex trading safe for beginners? Perhaps this is one of the important questions that must be there in the minds of novice traders before actually plunge into the forex business.

Not without reason, there are a lot of You know a trader who has filed for bankruptcy because they do not understand how to trade stocks and do not have good money management. While in all types of businesses, money management is something that is very important, ignore it, the same as digging your own grave.

If You are currently interested in plunging into the forex business, You don’t want to have to learn and practice directly because forex trading without basic knowledge will plunge into the losses are very large, or it may go bankrupt.

This article is intended for beginners who do not understand how to play forex, and what should be done before the trade.

What Is Forex?

Forex is acronym of foreign exchange that sell currencies of different countries. For example buy euros and then sell the currency is United States Dollar. How this is done for the benefit of the difference between the sales value of the currency.

Engineering trade or free trade can not be done haphazardly. So can learn the technique of eye movement money and take the right steps, we have to learn forex technique first.

There are people who think that forex trading is easy, they usually this beginners who are new nyoba-nyoba demo account. In fact, almost 90% of people playing the forex as one of the investment often experience a loss, even ending with the bankruptcy.

The percentage of large failures are usually caused by the broker will be the technique to use forex with good so that the result is greater to invest in the forex is not futile.

Of course no one wants to feel deprived or go bankrupt in the forex business. That is why Beginners are Obliged to learn stock trading, both in theory and practice.

Learn How To Forex Trading For Beginners

For the beginner who really want to really want to learn how to play forex and don’t want to fall with misleading information, make sure you do a few important things here:

Money Management

Before trading forex, it is very important for a beginner to acquire the right mindset about forex. This is really important, don’t just think about the advantages to forget about financial management.

In trading for, the losses can happen anytime and this is something commonly experienced by all traders, including traders. And very important for a trader to limit the loss of the transactions conducted in the forex market.

Money management includes several important things, including;

  • Understand how big the resistance of funds (equity) in Your trading account.
  • Use many secure and in accordance with equity.
  • Specify the position of the take profit (TP) and cut the losses (CL) for each transaction.

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